Architectural design is a discipline that focuses on covering and meeting the needs and demands, to create living spaces, using certain tools and especially, creativity. Therefore, the aim is to combine the technological and the aesthetic, despite the general belief that architecture is only a technological task.
In the same way, it mixes design, understood as the creative process, and architecture, which is based on the creation and presentation of solutions at a technical level. By mixing both disciplines, architectural design seeks the values and formal qualities of the works, through spatial experiences. In general, we associate it with drawings, sketches or outlines of a project, and it is one of its fundamental basis. In this aspect of architectural design, there are also other factors involved, that are related to geometry, space or aesthetics, among others. After all, architecture, and therefore architectural design, is made up of many elements and processes or phases.
When designing, an architect must take into account that he or she should carry out an analysis, to design and build according to the needs and resources, always keeping in mind the aesthetics and technical characteristics, as well as the basic rules of construction. That is why the process, capable of identifying all these variables must consider that it is necessary to reflect the needs, both artistically and technically on the paper (or software). In this case, the lines are the main element of the architectural design, which define several aspects such as the shape, dimension and positioning of the different spaces integrating the project.